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We Help Technology Companies Drive Awareness on LinkedIn With the Help of Their Employees


Leader Europe
Best Estimated ROI Mid-Market
Most Implementable
Best Usability Mid-Market

Easy for Employees. Powerful for You!


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    Extend Your Contents' Reach

    Create your own Gaggle® network and get the most out of your content by tapping into the audiences of your employees.

  • Drive-Engagement

    Drive Engagement

    Increase online engagement by giving your employees and stakeholders the ability to share and engage with your content from one easy-to-use, intuitive platform.

  • Increase-Social-Selling

    Increase Social Selling

    Reach new prospects, engage audiences, and strengthen business relationships.

  • Boost-Brand-Awareness

    Boost Brand Awareness

    Improve the affinity for your brand by engaging your employees through employee advocacy, bringing your message to their audience.


Social Media Management

Social Publishing + Employee Advocacy = ❤️

Share content to business accounts on multiple platforms directly from our social publisher and schedule your employee advocacy interactions all at one time. You can't make your social media and employee advocacy strategy more in sync than that!


AI and Employee Advocacy

Diversify Your Employee Advocacy Efforts With AI

Many employee advocacy platforms focus on having employees amplify the exact same message, removing personalization. That's not ideal. With AI-Powered Paraphrase at GaggleAMP, Gaggle® Managers and Members can:

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    Generate diversified activities to all Gaggle Members, all created from one core message.

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    Use our AI-Powered Paraphrasing to automatically generate alternative messaging while staying true to the original brand message.

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    Amplify their own voice, all with the help of AI!

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Learn More about GaggleAMP!

Learn how GaggleAMP can help you get your employees active on social media.

Learn and Grow

Employee Advocacy Resources

Social Media Calendar

Spread out and schedule all your employee advocacy content, helping you to remain consistent in your social posting.

The Time Is Now: ROI Calculator

Maximize your employee advocacy efforts with GaggleAMP. Use our ROI calculator to see what you could achieve.

Employee Advocacy 101

Learn how to help your employees become your strongest assets with these tips and tricks for running an employee advocacy program.

We’re a Leader in Employee Advocacy on G2

We’re thrilled to be a leader, but we’re jazzed that our Users Love Us.

Leader Leader Europe Best Estimated ROI Mid-Market Most Implementable
Best Usability Mid-Market Best Relationship Mid-Market High Performer Enterprise Users Love Us

Join over 100,000 people that have benefited from Employee Advocacy with GaggleAMP.

Risk-free trial - no credit card required.